Thursday, August 27, 2009

i'm free to create a new post just uploaded sum photo which i satisfied ...

that day...4got which day...wai & me get tis pooh....^.^...

-issit cute?it's material so soft...i hug it overnight everyday since tat day we get it...

--our poohpooh born from here...

location at bishan junction 8,which public place of entertainment called Virtualand ^^


*shoot it with my beloved poohpooh ^_^



--i bought tis sunglasses during last week...'charles & keith'....^^
look nice i wear it in photo above...
In fact, the big sunglasses big than my face =.='''


i uploaded some photo shoot by yesterday following ....

26 Aug 2009...
me & wai simply bought a chocolate mousse celebrate
'july valentine's day' (七夕情人节)...

*--chocolate mousse--*
(yummy yummy @.@)

--Symbol of L.O.V.E~~
(why my face look big??)


*m felling hungry now...waiwai cooking mee for me ^^xixi....
gg to eat my dinner lur~~


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