Sunday, July 5, 2009

The strong slways succeeds

Sunday 12.29pm Raining day

finally,updated my blog....

my particulars...
my background...
my hit counter...
my digital timer...
my exercise centre...
my MP3 player...

i used half day to updating...issit so long time?lol..^^

Regarding previous blog...
subsequently,my x collegue call me back...
she told me no nid worry her...she'll take care herself...
dududu...tats all...=.='''

tomorrow nid go bc class le....
last day received a message..

CAT T3-C2,CAT T6-C2 stds,
pls be inform ur class will be on 6/7(Mon),7/7(Tue)
@ 6.45pm-9.45pm,
Lvl 3,room 304

Kaplan Financial

tat's mean my life 's activities
equal to =working+studying+sleeping....
eventhough i'm getting tired,but i'll learn more strong...
bcoz i believe in that 'The strong slways succeeds'

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